Example of T-SQL exception handling within a transaction?
Richard Kaye
2018-09-13 21:05:00 UTC
Log your exceptions to a text file? 😊

-----Original Message-----
From: ProfoxTech <profoxtech-***@leafe.com> On Behalf Of Malcolm Greene
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 5:02 PM
To: ***@leafe.com
Subject: Example of T-SQL exception handling within a transaction?

Anyone have an example of how to trap and exception within a T-SQL transaction and save diagnostic details on why the transaction failed to an error log? If you insert the exception data to an error table this information gets lost when you rollback the transaction. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious :) Thanks, Malcolm

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Stephen Russell
2018-09-13 21:22:11 UTC

Good description there on how to write one and that the THROW is necessary
within a transaction. I learned something in this because I rarely ever
write transactions due to locks being applied while it is running.
Post by Richard Kaye
Anyone have an example of how to trap and exception within a T-SQL
transaction and save diagnostic details on why the transaction failed to
an error log? If you insert the exception data to an error table this
information gets lost when you rollback the transaction. I'm sure I'm
missing something obvious :)
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Christof Wollenhaupt
2018-09-14 06:56:52 UTC
Post by Richard Kaye
Anyone have an example of how to trap and exception within a T-SQL
transaction and save diagnostic details on why the transaction failed to
an error log? If you insert the exception data to an error table this
information gets lost when you rollback the transaction. I'm sure I'm
missing something obvious :)
Yes, you log into a variable, roll back the transaction in the CATCH block and then insert the variable into the error log table.

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