It is also easy to be done:
Just replace
code in method rcsLargeCalendar.ArrangeUI
with following code:
Local lcLine as String, ;
lnDateHeight as Number, ;
lnDateWidth as Number, ;
lnHalfWidth as Number, ;
lnHeight as Number, ;
lnIndex as Number, ;
lnLine as Number, ;
loControl as Object, ;
loLine as Object
If This.Height < 87 Or This.Width < 87
lnDateWidth = (This.Width - 14) / 7
lnDateHeight = (This.Height - 86) / 6
lnHeight = This.Height - 86
* Re-arrange the vertical lines
*!* FOR lnIndex = 0 TO 7
*!* lcLine = [This.linDate] + TRANSFORM(m.lnIndex + 1)
*!* *loLine = EVALUATE("this.linDate1"+TRANSFORM(m.lnIndex +1)
*!* lcEval = m.lcLine + [.Left = (m.lnIndex * m.lnDateWidth) + 6 ]
*!* &lcEval
*!* lcEval = m.lcLine + ".Height = m.lnHeight"
*!* &lcEval
*!* * Re-arrange the horizontal lines
*!* FOR lnIndex = 1 TO 6
*!* lcLine = [This.linDateH] + TRANSFORM(m.lnIndex)
*!* lcEval = m.lcLine + [.Top = ] + TRANSFORM((m.lnDateHeight *
m.lnIndex) + 51)
*!* &lcEval
*!* lcEval = m.lcLine + [.Width = ] + TRANSFORM(This.Width - 14)
*!* &lcEval
*** Koen Piller 10-3-2018
*Rearrange the vertical lines
For lnIndex = 0 To 7
lcLine = [This.linDate]+Transform(m.lnIndex+1)
lcLine = STRTRAN(lcLine,"THIS",'',1,1,1)
loLine = EVALUATE("This" + lcLine)
loLine.Left = (m.lnIndex * m.lnDateWidth) + 6
loLine.Height = m.lnHeight
*Rearrange the horizontal lines
For lnIndex = 1 To 6
lcLine = [This.linDateH] + Transform(m.lnIndex)
lcLine = STRTRAN(m.lcLine,"THIS",'',1,1,1)
loLine = Evaluate("This" + m.lcLine)
loLine.Top = (m.lnDateHeight * m.lnIndex) + 33
loLine.Width = This.Width - 14
This.Line1.Width = This.Width - 14
This.Line2.Width = This.Width - 14
This.shpBackground.Width = This.Width - 4
This.shpBackground.Height = This.Height - 34
This.shpMonthBackground.Width = This.Width - 14
This.shpMonthBackground.Height = m.lnHeight
This.Line2.Top = This.shpMonthBackground.Top +
This.shpControlBackground.Width = This.Width - 2
* Adjust the day of the week
lnHalfWidth = m.lnDateWidth / 2
This.rcsWeekdays1.Width = This.Width - 4
This.rcsWeekdays1.lblSun.Left = (m.lnDateWidth * 1) - m.lnHalfWidth -
(This.rcsWeekdays1.lblSun.Width / 2) + 4
This.rcsWeekdays1.lblMon.Left = (m.lnDateWidth * 2) - m.lnHalfWidth -
(This.rcsWeekdays1.lblMon.Width / 2) + 4
This.rcsWeekdays1.lblTue.Left = (m.lnDateWidth * 3) - m.lnHalfWidth -
(This.rcsWeekdays1.lblTue.Width / 2) + 4
This.rcsWeekdays1.lblWed.Left = (m.lnDateWidth * 4) - m.lnHalfWidth -
(This.rcsWeekdays1.lblWed.Width / 2) + 4
This.rcsWeekdays1.lblThu.Left = (m.lnDateWidth * 5) - m.lnHalfWidth -
(This.rcsWeekdays1.lblThu.Width / 2) + 4
This.rcsWeekdays1.lblFri.Left = (m.lnDateWidth * 6) - m.lnHalfWidth -
(This.rcsWeekdays1.lblFri.Width / 2) + 4
This.rcsWeekdays1.lblSat.Left = (m.lnDateWidth * 7) - m.lnHalfWidth -
(This.rcsWeekdays1.lblSat.Width / 2) + 4
This.txtMonthYear.Left = (This.Width - This.txtMonthYear.Width) / 2
This.Shape1.Left = (This.Width - This.Shape1.Width) / 2
This.rcsLeftButton1.Left = This.Shape1.Left - 26
This.rcsRightButton1.Left = This.Shape1.Left + This.Shape1.Width + 2
This.rcsCircled1.Top = This.Height - 23
This.lblToday.Top = This.Height - 22
This.txtToday.Top = This.Height - 24
* Now we have to re-position the dates themselves
For Each loControl In This.Controls
If Lower(Left(m.loControl.Name, 7)) = "rcsdate"
If m.loControl.BaseClass = "Label"
If loControl.dDate = Date()
and you are done.
Post by Koen PillerHi,
Paul's 100% VFP Calendar class with a minor bug fix on form.
Testlargecalender zip would like to attach however which I cannot do here
due to seq.reasons. How would you like me to transfer?
Post by Ted RocheIt seems like everyone has to write one once. Most frameworks I've
worked have have one built in somewhere.
There's one in the leafe.com downloads at https://leafe.com/dls/vfp --
search for calendar
Or, you can just write your own that works the way you want it to.
It's fun, it's easy, it's something you know the rules for, and it
will work exactly the way you want it to. Eventually.
Post by Chris DavisGet Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
From: Chris Davis
Sent: Sunday, March 4, 2018 3:01:05 PM
Subject: Date / Date Time Picker Class
Can anyone recommend one which just works and is 100% VFP?
I have tried the one from Sweet Potato but this seems to have a READ
EVENTS in the code somewhere which stops the calendar appearing on first
Post by Chris DavisI have also tried the ones in FoxyClasses but these are not 100% VFP
and do some odd things when bound to a field in a view.
Post by Chris DavisThanks
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